April 18 is my half birthday. Silly, I know, but I just love birthdays, so I love any reason to celebrate. Has 33 been all I expected it to be? It has gone by faster than I expected, but then the weeks just seem to fly by when you're caring for 4 kids. I remember thinking when I was 16 that I would 26 in the year 2000 and how that seemed SOOOO far away. But now here it is 2007 & I'm 33 1/2. I have 4 kids, a treasure of a husband & a life better than I could have dreamed. It's not what I imagined it would become when I was 16, but there isn't much I would change about. A little less weight perhaps, but I'm working on that one.
Speaking of weight, I started doing Isagenix about 2 weeks ago to start my journey to find "my" body again. For the last 7 years of pregnancies and nursing babies my body has not been my own & I must say that I haven't taken the best care of it. That's starting to change now. Thus far I have lost 6 lbs. I am determined to find my healthy self again & I'm looking forward to seeing where I am by my whole birthday. ;)
And in closing I just had to share a sweet photo of Lucas & Samantha cuddling together in the rocker. Joel & I sure make some cute kids! ;)
That is such a great pic of your kids. Bet you can't wait to scrap that!
Posted by: JulesinParadise | April 19, 2007 at 09:30 AM
PRECIOUS photo, Sheila! And good for you for finding your bod. ;)
Posted by: Jennifer S. | April 20, 2007 at 07:15 PM
Happy 1/2 birthday late! :)
I've not had the 4 babies- but just the one-- but I can say that the drugs & rollercoaster ride of infertility have reaped their havoc. I'm also working at concentrating on finding my shape again. :D
Posted by: Mel | April 23, 2007 at 07:07 AM