Wow, did school starting throw me for a loop or what? Here I thought I would be getting all this free time to write since all four of the kids would be in school all day. Boy was I wrong! Every day since the first day of school has had a meeting of some kind: PTO, Back-to-School Night, Parent's Night, Room Parent, etc, etc. As I peruse my calendar for the coming week it seems as if all that craziness is over, or at least will be more spread out for the rest of the year.
Although these pictures are from Labor Day weekend over two weeks ago, I just had to share. That weekend we once again when camping, returning to the same site we had stayed two weeks previously. This time we had a delightful surprise waiting for us: butterflies! We have been plagued with flies, wasps and mosquitoes while camping, but this is the first time where those pests were replaced with much more delightful butterflies instead. I have never seen this many butterflies in one place before -- literally hundreds of them -- except for the butterfly exhibit at The San Diego Wild Animal Park. These little guys were not only flying everywhere, but would happily land upon the kids if they held still. This made for a great camping game that I know all parents would gladly endorse: see who could stay still the longest and host the most butterflies at once. Our little guests certainly made for a memorable camping trip.
***I circled the butterflies below because they are hard to see with the brown on the outsides of their wings.