It's inevitable: if one kid comes down with the stomach flu, eventually it makes the rounds to everyone in the family.
This round started with Tyler on the way home from playing Laser Tag with the fam the Sunday before last, all over himself and the backseat of my Suburban. Good times.
Next Sammy got it. I think it hit her the hardest, as she was down for several days with it, while the rest of us got over it in two.
Then... me! Right smack dab in the middle of the week, two days wasted writhing in bed with a kitchen pot as my best friend. Had to cancel all my voice lessons, wouldn't you know. Lost four pounds in the deal, which seems a fair trade if you ask me.
Luke rounded out the week, coming down with it shortly after I did.
Rebekah got lucky, or so it seemed. She had finals at school last week and managed to stay healthy through it all. I thought it had passed her by, but oh no, it was stalking her too. Sneak attack Monday night and she has been down for two days now.
So, that's everyone now... except Joel. He's been holstering a can of Lysol for the week and been rather stingy with the hugs and kisses. I think he's considered moving out till the house is completely disinfected, but figured that would going a little far.
Looking forward to life getting back to normal, or at least what we call normal.