Well, apparently I sailed right through the entire spring without making a single blog post. I'd like to say that I was off doing amazing, adventurous, epic things. Just imagine that was indeed what I was doing. You know how it is... there is a season for everything and apparently this wasn't my season for blogging. Oh well... I'm back now.
May was a crazy month. I visited 3 states in 4 weeks. That's saying a lot for someone with four kids at home and a job to take into account.
The first weekend I took a trip down memory lane and headed back to my aluma mater to visit a group of gals that I traveled and sang with in college. They're like sisters... so how come it took nearly 20 years to get together again? Absolutely pathetic.
Four days together was just too short a time to spend together. We picked up where we left off 20 years ago... except that we had a whole lot of life in between. We sang, we laughed (a lot), we cried (a bit)... and I'm eagerly looking forward to getting together again, much sooner than 20 years this time.
The following weekend sent me back to my former home of San Diego to pay a long overdue visit to my best friend, Shannon. For the first time ever, instead of getting together to scrapbook, we got together to... RUN. I always said that I would never be a runner unless something was chasing me, but apparently Shannon converted me. It was she that inspired me with her frequent running to add that to my non-existent workout routine a year ago, so I thought it fitting that we run 5k together.
Color Run Orange County was the setting for our first run... and I will never ever ever sign up to do a race in the middle of the day in the summer on a airport tarmack again. So hot! Needless to say, we did a lot of walking so that I wouldn't faint, but nonetheless it was a blast.
We went from the Happiest 5k on Earth to the Happiest Place on Earth: Shannon and I spent Mother's Day at Disneyland! A part of me felt it was kinda mean to go to Disneyland without our kids on Mother's Day, but I must say, it was evil fun.
The third weekend I stayed home -- for my sanity.
The final weekend of May was Memorial Day weekend, which we spent in camping in Moab with my parents and some friends. We spent the weekend four-wheeling, eating, sightseeing, eating, hiking, eating, rafting and, well, eating.
Good times for all... until we went to leave. We had unknowingly entered the Twilight Zone, which wouldn't actually let us leave Moab. Our Suburban broke down on the way out of town and we ended up spending an extra three days there. I'm just glad we had our camper.
So, there is my May wrap-up. Hoping to get caught up to June in my next post... hopefully not 6 months from now.
Posted by: Kathy Cox | June 29, 2013 at 07:32 AM