I know, I know, it's been a long, long, long, long-long time since I have updated by blog. I have one excuse for that: college. With 4 kids under my roof and nearly 20 years since my last college attempt, we decided the timing was right to me to finish my bachelor's degree. Not ideal, I know, but we have been able to make it work.
When I was in my 20s, I boldly studied music, naively thinking that I would have to luck and drive to make it big as a singer. Ha! Now I know better. Oh, I still love to sing, and I'm pretty good at it, but no one has come beating down my door to make me a star.
For the last 20 years, I have been a graphic artist and designer, so I thought what better than to take that one step further and study computer science. So for the last two years I have studied nonstop through the summers and school years for my degree and happily I am in the home stretch. One more month in this semester will give me one more year until graduation.Yahoo!
There is quite a difference going to school as an adult compared to as a teenager/20-something.Here's a few:
- No extra-curricular activities.
In my 20s I was involved in everything. Choir, student government, yearbook. Now I have a husband, four kids and actual responsibilities. Extra curricular activities consist of making dinner for six every night, grocery shopping and designing for my clients here and there. - I actually have to learn this stuff, not just get a good grade.
I don't know why that hit me this time around, but not when I was younger. Maybe it was because I had been going to school my whole life at the time, so getting a good grade was my job. Now I know that that learning, understand and being able to apply the material is substantially more important than a good grade. I still like those too though. - Don't procrastinate.
I used to be able to do an all-nighter to finish a paper. Now all of my study time is scheduled so I get a good night's sleep every night. I just have too many balls in the air and too many people counting on me to put things off.
So, I'm still here. I might blog more. I may not. It's currently Spring Break and while I do have some time off I am still, you guessed it, studying.